This week the IMF began sales of their Gold reserves. I have mentioned previously that the IMF have been looking to do this, however how wrong was I regarding what may happen to Golds price! Two hundred tons came onto the market and rather than the price possibly dropping, the price instead soared. The Central Bank of India gobbled it all up in a single transaction. Many articles have already been published in relation to the event, and with good reason. The shiny stuff has risen in price for the past decade, despite european central banks selling huge quantities, the most infamous being my countries sale of half our reserves known appropriately as 'Browns Bottom'. The worlds central banks are suddenly looking at Gold from a different viewpoint. The move by India shocked everyone. The next sale could see multiple buyers apply, China, Russia, Brazil and other emerging nations will be feeling anxious - "How do we get out of our paper reserves"? One day there will be a rush for the exits, a dash for the ultimate form of cash. Meanwhile Geithner and Obama parade around the globe, reassuring foreigners of their strong dollar policy, their words contradicting their actions. A sound currency does not exist with zero percent interest rates, deficits as far as the eye can see along with printing more of the stuff. You don't need to be an 'A' grade economist to see the anomaly.
It's important to remember that you can't grow gold. Gold can't be produced in a factory, or planted as a tree. There has always been a finite supply throughout history and when there's no where for investors to turn, they head to safety, historically that has been precious metals. The limited supply can be seen with the recent "Sell your Gold" adverts, dealers buying the public's jewelry, melting it down, and selling it to institutional investors. While the recession continues to force the public to liquidate their hard assets for paper cash, the paper cash investors are diversifying into such assets. One only has to look at the events last autumn, bullion dealers ran out of stock which caused the adverts you now see. Hoarding along with limited ground supply has led the dealers to impell the public to sell.
One thing you have to understand is that China is sitting on 2 Trillion Dollars of paper promises. They currently have around 1,000 tonnes of gold. $2 Trillion could buy them an awful lot more, if they can find willing sellers. The recent IMF sale was $6.7 Billion for two hundred tonnes, I'm sure you can do the maths to see China's buying potential. Compared with nations in the West, many other emerging economies still have woefully imbalanced Gold reserves as the table details (original table taken from following article).

There are many countries who have plenty more cash to convert into Gold, histories ultimate form of payment. Germany, Italy and France hold approximately 70% of their nations reserves in Gold. Compared to China, India and Russia with 1.9%, 6.2% and 4.3% respectively, if I was a betting man I would say the latters percentages will inevitably increase.
For too long the West had a monopoly of talent and capital, corrupt regimes around the world ensured this. Battles between the far left and right in South America, Asia's experiment with Communism, Eastern Europe held back by the Iron Curtain, Middle Eastern states squandering the oil bonanza of the seventies and of course Africa's various despotic rulers. For too long during the 20th Century statism looked like the solution to peoples problems, when in fact it was the cause. Many talented individuals migrated to the West in search of a better life for their families. The collapse of Communism along with the revolution in telecommunications saw to it that many emerging nations began to realise their potential. Why emigrate to the West when they now have the same intellectually challenging jobs at home? Many Western countries still have one trump card - longevity in respect to human rights. No matter how bad my government messes up I always know I will be able to say what I want. I always know that the right path will eventually be trodden. I always know that Britain was the first nation to overthrow a monarchy on the continent during its Civil war, thus beginning the process towards the present inherently stable democratic system that has endured for centuries. The above may not seem much, but its amazing how we can all take this for granted. It won't stop the shift of power from West to East. Gold, it seems, is also moving in the same direction.
It's important to remember that you can't grow gold. Gold can't be produced in a factory, or planted as a tree. There has always been a finite supply throughout history and when there's no where for investors to turn, they head to safety, historically that has been precious metals. The limited supply can be seen with the recent "Sell your Gold" adverts, dealers buying the public's jewelry, melting it down, and selling it to institutional investors. While the recession continues to force the public to liquidate their hard assets for paper cash, the paper cash investors are diversifying into such assets. One only has to look at the events last autumn, bullion dealers ran out of stock which caused the adverts you now see. Hoarding along with limited ground supply has led the dealers to impell the public to sell.
One thing you have to understand is that China is sitting on 2 Trillion Dollars of paper promises. They currently have around 1,000 tonnes of gold. $2 Trillion could buy them an awful lot more, if they can find willing sellers. The recent IMF sale was $6.7 Billion for two hundred tonnes, I'm sure you can do the maths to see China's buying potential. Compared with nations in the West, many other emerging economies still have woefully imbalanced Gold reserves as the table details (original table taken from following article).

There are many countries who have plenty more cash to convert into Gold, histories ultimate form of payment. Germany, Italy and France hold approximately 70% of their nations reserves in Gold. Compared to China, India and Russia with 1.9%, 6.2% and 4.3% respectively, if I was a betting man I would say the latters percentages will inevitably increase.
For too long the West had a monopoly of talent and capital, corrupt regimes around the world ensured this. Battles between the far left and right in South America, Asia's experiment with Communism, Eastern Europe held back by the Iron Curtain, Middle Eastern states squandering the oil bonanza of the seventies and of course Africa's various despotic rulers. For too long during the 20th Century statism looked like the solution to peoples problems, when in fact it was the cause. Many talented individuals migrated to the West in search of a better life for their families. The collapse of Communism along with the revolution in telecommunications saw to it that many emerging nations began to realise their potential. Why emigrate to the West when they now have the same intellectually challenging jobs at home? Many Western countries still have one trump card - longevity in respect to human rights. No matter how bad my government messes up I always know I will be able to say what I want. I always know that the right path will eventually be trodden. I always know that Britain was the first nation to overthrow a monarchy on the continent during its Civil war, thus beginning the process towards the present inherently stable democratic system that has endured for centuries. The above may not seem much, but its amazing how we can all take this for granted. It won't stop the shift of power from West to East. Gold, it seems, is also moving in the same direction.
While gold can't be grown or produced in a factory, it is produced of the backs of mostly poorly paid black workers who produce it in difficult and dangerous conditions, that's why it's expensive to buy.
ReplyDeleteBritain's democracry and democratic rights have always come in tandem with the restriction of the rights of other in the countries the Empire colonised and exploited.The chickens seem to be coming home to roost.
Free speech is a valuable right but seems to be gagging with restrictions these days.I hear you can no longer buy "Spotted Dick"? And the new EU regulations are so restrictive as it make it almost impossible for farmers to survive.At least you can sell bent cucumbers these days!
Are you stuck in the past?
ReplyDeleteThe majority of modern gold production has nothing to do with slaves wielding pickaxes and pans.
We're talking giant open cast mines, massive machines, very few workers and chemical leaching of the gold from minute traces in the mines rock.
Of course lax environmental laws can cause huge ecological damage with this type of operation.
Have a look at heap leach mining